Sunday, July 26, 2009


Realised I had not baked bread for quite a while. I tried to set aside some time last weekend to bake some. Unfortunately, after kneading the bread, we decided to go out for lunch. So I had to pop the dough into the fridge to prevent it from over proofing. I had not done this before, so was a little worried that all effort will go to waste.

When I came back from lunch, about 3 hours later, the dough had proofed to much that it filled the entire large container that I used to store it. Punched it down and tried to knead it, but it was wet due to condensation... I had to used quite a fair bit of flour on the table to prevent it from sticking. I was concerned that all the excess flour will make the bread hard.

But the final result was as good as I remembered of the results of my last attempt using the same recipe.

I made some hot dog buns (again!), raisin buns and cranberry buns.

Some tips for softer bread

1) the dough must pass the stretch test

2) allow time for final proofing to make sure the dough grows double in size

3) When using dried fruits like raisins, always remember to soak in a little bit of water for at least half hour. Pour away the water before adding into dough.

4) Substitute some bread flour with all purpose flour

Have fun!

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